Friday, April 24, 2009

How would you react?

It is just a regular day in college. Summer heat has taken its toll. The class is going on, the lecturer is talking about something which most of the people in class have no clue about. And suddenly one person walks into the class room unannounced. His face is fully wrinkled, whiskers have grown long indicating that he has not shaved for many days and is wearing soiled clothes. He looks at the lecturer and makes some gestures. Everyone knows what is he there for. Many sitting in the class find his coming in a welcoming change as it made the lecturer stop her perfunctory.

He holds out two photocopies which so that everyone can read. It confirms that his blood relative is suffering from lymph related disorders. It becomes clear, he is expecting us to give him some money which will go a long way in helping him. He just stands there for a minute or so to see any kind of movements at our side. What he sees is a total muted response. He looks straight into everyone’s eyes. It is now when you want to be invisible. Such a stomach wrenching uneasiness sets in your body and it won’t abate until that person is off.

Suddenly you start wondering about the vanity of life and its unpredictability. There starts a debate in your mind. Its now divided, one side says,” who lets these people, what were the security doing? Such people should not be allowed to enter the campus at all”. the other side offers the counter debate saying,”  its the hopelessness that has driven him into doing this. Otherwise why would he come to our college asking for alms. Even he has his loved ones whom he cares about. He is trying to do all what is in his capacity to do as much as he can to his suffering relative”. 

He is so elder to me and I don’t know what to react, whether to give an understanding smile or frown. Because I really cant understand or pretend to know what that person is going through. You don’t want to be indifferent either. The former would indict me to give him money, the latter will portray me as someone incapable of compassion. I wanted to know badly what kind of facial expression I should wear. He walks through the passages in between the setting of benches. I just keep my head down and look sideways.

Thousand thoughts pound in your head just in that one moment when you look the man in the face: of self doubt, meaning of life, the mockery of god, questioning the reality, the dogma prevalent in societies and its inequalities, the scare about what future has in future why him? What if it is someone whom I knew before? 

He goes around the class and leaves. The uneasiness lowers. The class enters into it usual gloom. But the incident stays in your mind.

Please let me know from your comments what would you have done.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Girl friend, she is.

At last I am hooked. Its one thing which every guy wants and very few actually manage. So, here I am making into that league of elite.

Like every guys fantasy even my girl is quiet fair rather you can call her complexion white to be frank. And to your dismay you find that she is lot elder to me( don’t be shocked as to how did I manage to get hooked with a senior….read on).

She is like this normal girlfriend, not much of a difference, total NON SENSE AND ZERO COMMON SENSE. You ought know, she is a beauty. She has looks which can command every eyes in her direction, you might as well call it unmatched.

First look, second look, third look,…….. Guaranteed. She is the neck bender and a head turner. Many people who see me with can her seldom understand the chemistry between us. Many of them have even gone to the extremes by asking “WHY HER??”. I would give them a candid reply-“lovvu guru”,

She is fun to be with. She is a apostle of simplicity. But can be very hard and rude to the people who have no idea about her. Many people don’t know how to even start meddling with her. The flare and the flamboyance of hers is uncommon.

You might ask what is she like ? You mean as in attitude, let me tell you folks she has loads. It’s not easy living with her but when you are not with her the only thought in my mind will be when I can take her out on a ride again. And she talks so much. Much more than you can imagine. When she talks its always at the top of her voice, lest everybody could hear it. And when she talks, it’s a restriction on you that you listen because there is no option b. she can scream too which she does very frequently.
In my quest of maintaining a relationship with her, she has turned me into one major spendthrift. She has been drilling a hole through my pocket since the time I said I DO. Today I cut down on my food just to take her out and spend some time of solitude with her, the time which is only mine. You will have to cajole her a lot before taking her out and I have to do it every day. But once she is in the mood then there is nothing which can stop her.

What is it, I cannot hear you? Oh you are asking the most obvious question. How is she to look? What can I say? The word is SEXY, its her body which sent my mind spinning in the first place. Truly a love at first sight!! She has got the sleekest body I can imagine. Not an ounce of unwanted muscle. Right parts of right size at the right places. She is way too simple compared to anyone else. I don’t think she uses any cosmetics but still manages to look so great.

I don’t have the looks which can parallel hers. I, with this tiny frame of mine, people often wonder whether I can lift her at all. I do, somehow I manage.

I took me good three months to get to know her. I am still in the endeavor of getting to know more. If she gets angry, its one heck of a predicament which you don’t want to be in, god only can save you and nobody.

She can embarrass you in public like anything and you can do nothing but get embarrassed and gulp in the insult because you love her too much to break up with her. But when she is in good mood I bet you, there cannot be a better companion.

You go on ride with her, she will see to it that all the disturbances in your mind is cleared off and you are back in your high spirits again. The way she instigates the free flow of thoughts, you really feel lucky to have someone like her along.

I sit in the class waiting for it get over coz I know that she is desperately waiting for me in the bike stand all alone with no company. Once I am done, I run to her as I never have for our reunion and there she is standing in the shade, my bike, my YEZDI ROADKING(CNH 1101).

And by god in the 4th para from the bottom, i meant my mechanic.