Thursday, July 14, 2011

10 reasons* why you should blog.

Are you the kind of person who expects every social interaction to do a value add to your personality and your life? If your answer is "YES" go ahead and read the blog :-) . If the answer is a no, then we both are wasting each other's time, i would urge you to move on. 

10 reasons* why you should blog.

(*you wont find the usual sequenced bullet points but the arguements are in the form of paragraphs. I would not have made justice to the topic if i had put down 10 headings and explained one by one. The reasons that iam giving are interdependent)

Blogging requires burning some brain calories. When you sit in front of the computer to churn out a post you will think,"What shall i write about today?". The choice is endless. You can write about all the topics you like. It can be the latest you saw, the song you heard, an awesome thing that you have done/seen/heard/read and your views about it. You can work your way into into more serious issues like politics, religion, environmental, spritual and metaphysical subjects. This is the very reason why i think blogs came into picture. It is like having your own print media in your backyard which is completely owned by you and free, just that it is online. This is the biggest advantage of it, you dont really have to worry about some investment on buying printers or hiring men to do the job. You are the journalist, you are the editor, you are the proof reader and you are that person who stands next you the printing machine overseeing the printing of the papers. You can serve this copy of your editorial to all the people who can be online. You can make your views count and for that you dont have to be Rupert Murdoch(as i write this, he is busy with the burial ceremony of The News of The World).

When you sit down to write one article you are very unsure if you have enough informantion to write a paricular post. That time you need to discipline your brain. You go ahead with it and click the 'new post' button. At this point in time your brain knows that you are serious. Brain/mind is like the best slave and the worst master you can get. If you dont train it and know how to control it, you life goes for a toss and you will constantly keep finding your self blaming the situation/world/god instead that is the time when you give reprimind your mind and say, "enough is enough, it is time for me to take control now". So when you have made up your mind, your brain automatically and dutifully starts presenting with you the required/useful data. You will be surprised with the alacrity(for the people who are low on vocab, alacrity = cheerful readiness!!!) with which your mind works. You will be amazed by the way the words keep flowing out of your fingertips onto the keyboard and appearing on the monitor(iam able to see the magic as i write this aritcle). What i am trying to tell you here is that blogging is your cup of tea/coffee/cake or what every you call it. You can do it. It involves investment in time. I agree that it is a busy world and most of you may not have enough time to even sleep, but in the hearts, yours and mine, we know that where all do we unnecessarily waste our time. We can always make time if we really want to.

Blogging can be an amazing dumpster/heat sink. There are days when you feel so many emotions/feelings/thoughts, have so many experience about which you want to talk/discuss/debate at length. Blog can be that tool to do it. The two line facebook updates are never enough. Blog paves you a way for dumpig all those thoughts in one place, all of it. This very act can clear a lot of clutter in your mind and help you focus on what is ahead. From the observation that i have done over the past three years i can say that the way we interact with our friends have changed to a very large extent thanks to orkut, facebook, linkedln and what not. We are able to be in touch with many people at the same time. It surely is a great advantage but somewhere in the middle we are losing our personality which should be gaurded with all the might one has. This personality is what makes you unique, it is what makes your life unique ergo an unique experience.

These days, there is a facebook engine that runs parallelly or even above ones mind. You constanly find yourself looking for smart sounding, kick ass status for you to update. This facebook engine i am talking about takes the entire situation you are in as an input and gives out status for updates as output. You want to boast about every small thing that you did like 1st std kids. Everywhere you go you worry about the photolayak pics you can upload for other to see and admire. All said and done, we have to realize that we are unknowingly sending a wrong message-"the i have it and you dont have it". I am saying that these online socail communities are wrong, but there is a limit to use it and it serves us best when we use it limits. It can turn dangerous too.

Bloggin can be serious business, if the style of writing is good it can attract continuous traffic which can turn into a source of income too. Many sensible people out there would definitely subscribe to your style of social interaction. When is say social interaction it is not the shallow hi/bi types. I mean, when you meet that person online/offline he should be fully aware of what you are capable of, the focus you give to one subject. your critical acumen towards one topic. The good depth in your thought process is what makes people admire you or dismiss you. This can be done only by having done something. That something in this context of blogging is, blogging ofcourse. Coming up with regular posts with serious hair raising content. This is the best place to show off that 'depth of thought process' if you really think is deep enough. This wont happen all of a sudden as your mind needs sometime to accustomed to your new way of social networking. But being pursuant will definitely help you. Blog away and find yourself. If not anything, you will end up with good online diary(which most of us promise ourselves of maintaining and never get around to do it)

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