Have you ever wondered today we don’t see what we want to see but we see what the mass media wants us to see. Few bunch of people who sit in the place called editors office sit and decide what we see. What an irony of life. In the name of freedom of press there is just a wild fight of the TRPs and sale volume.
The interest of the viewers has been sidelined so much so that today the subscribers don’t even know what is that they want or what should they expect.
I appreciate the way the doordarshan(DD) channel for having kept its virginity. I call it virginity because it has never let go of its values. I recall from the days when I was a kid and the only channel coming on my home TV was doordarshan. Even today the shows broadcasted in the channel are so meaningful.
The people in the media have taken the viewers for granted. They think whatever bull they show on tv will be accepted. They are falling short to make a meaningful flow of information and choking the information and manipulating it the way they want. Today we see or hear what the media wants us to hear.
They just make people get glued to mega(chewing gum) serials and wasting the precious families quality time. The highest viewed programs today are from those relating to crime sectors. No wonder why crime rates are rocketing high at such an alarming rate. They are just behaving as a slut to a greedy landlord who does anything he wishes for the sake of some coins. The common is being deprived his right to information without his knowledge.
There are some shows on tv(for eg: splitsvilla on mtv) on which in the name of open mindedness are ruining our culture and the people are happy watching. Can the media stoop down to this level just to make more and more people watch it. don’t they have some guidelines to follow. And moreover the media acts in India are so toothless.
Its very clear. Today’s media in no more interested in unearthing the true facts, which is what is its primary function. India has some hundreds of channels and most of them private. They don’t even make an effort to educate the people about the culture of our country. I agree making people familiarize with the culture of the world is very necessary in today’s global setup but that doesn’t mean its don’t at the cost of not educating people our countrymen about our country and what has it stood for. Whenever there is the a birth anniversary of a great Indian leader not even a mention about him is made these days. How do you think the younger generation in gonna get to know about them. With our education system mostly concentrated towards scoring marks and piling up marks card it becomes the immediate duty of the media that is should carry on the duty what it was built for.
In times of festival only the glamorous side of it is shown but never the value of it or the reason why it was initiated for the first place in discussed. Unless and until we contain this enormous power of the media in the right way the very essence of culture is going be strangled by neck by the very own media which is meant to prevent.
Monday, December 29, 2008
The measure of a man.
The thought I am gonna put forth in front of you are not the usually ones as in they don’t come in your mind any other time. But only during exam time.
What is the measure of the man?
What does one consider as a life lived worthwhile. Is it the life when someone does something for the society, or does something to his family? Does an mba or be comes teacher. Or is it like giving the best in where ever you are. It doesn’t matter where you go but how much you love being there and what do you do to grow in that area. After all this time on this planet I have come to believe this one simple truth.
There are only two kinds of players, those who control their nerves and win championships and the others who don’t.
Life is always unfair and we better get used to it.
The philosophy that if you do good to others good will be done to you never holds but that doesn’t mean that one should not do good. Doing good to someone brings meaning to life but expecting good things to happen because you have done a good thing is just so mean way of living.
In life the ability to communicate is everything. And for you to communicate one should possess enough knowledge for that one has to be educated.
The only way for a country to become superpower in today’s world is only by education. Only if the people are educated to the highest standards the upsurge of the country will be a dream which will be hard to realize. By education I mean the people should know be in a situation to manage crisis. They should have trained themselves of prime performance.
How could a country possibly come ahead if the people inhabiting it are still ignorant of their potential or obscure about their duties? With kind of population we have in our country we can make the whole world come to its knees in front of us. The road is not easy but not impossible.
The first and foremost requirement is to educate people. Not just making them academically come up.
Teachers and schools play a crucial role in making the life of a man. If only the teacher gives his best effort to make give a life to a student.
PS: I write my blog with the free flow of thoughts. My blog is never structured but look closely there will be some order in the superficial disorder.
What is the measure of the man?
What does one consider as a life lived worthwhile. Is it the life when someone does something for the society, or does something to his family? Does an mba or be comes teacher. Or is it like giving the best in where ever you are. It doesn’t matter where you go but how much you love being there and what do you do to grow in that area. After all this time on this planet I have come to believe this one simple truth.
There are only two kinds of players, those who control their nerves and win championships and the others who don’t.
Life is always unfair and we better get used to it.
The philosophy that if you do good to others good will be done to you never holds but that doesn’t mean that one should not do good. Doing good to someone brings meaning to life but expecting good things to happen because you have done a good thing is just so mean way of living.
In life the ability to communicate is everything. And for you to communicate one should possess enough knowledge for that one has to be educated.
The only way for a country to become superpower in today’s world is only by education. Only if the people are educated to the highest standards the upsurge of the country will be a dream which will be hard to realize. By education I mean the people should know be in a situation to manage crisis. They should have trained themselves of prime performance.
How could a country possibly come ahead if the people inhabiting it are still ignorant of their potential or obscure about their duties? With kind of population we have in our country we can make the whole world come to its knees in front of us. The road is not easy but not impossible.
The first and foremost requirement is to educate people. Not just making them academically come up.
Teachers and schools play a crucial role in making the life of a man. If only the teacher gives his best effort to make give a life to a student.
PS: I write my blog with the free flow of thoughts. My blog is never structured but look closely there will be some order in the superficial disorder.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
WHERE has all the GUTS gone?
Why has India become such a soft targets for all the terrorists out there in the world. It has become a practice field for all the kinds of inhumane activities. Today people out there have been stripped off their right to live because of some whimsical fantasies of a group of fanatics.
Our politicians are happy selling our country away and laundering the money in their Swiss bank accounts. we are living in a world where every politician is only worried in how much money he is making per day. I guess if all the illegal properties of all the politicians is confiscated and given to a man, he ll be twice as rich as bill gates. Majority of politicians are just around us are convicted criminals. I don’t think the incident in Mumbai would have ever happened if only our political parties spared little time for worrying about the countries security. But no, all they want play a blame game and mud slinging till the eternity.
I don’t blame the police for the kind of image they have painted for themselves. They have become too immune to corruption. They have been sandwiched between situations where they have to obey someone who hasn’t even a graduate degree in his name. The ias officer work their way up by studying their ass off and all they get to do the rest of their life is to obey the orders of a money thirsty hypocrite.
What about those soldiers who are perennially and year after year under paid. What will be left of their dignity of labor when they are paid much less compared to their civilian counterparts? Just because they are not around to do a strike asking for a pay raise that doesn’t mean they should be sidelined forever.
Today whatever situation we are in, we are in it just because we let this situation come to us. We have become too short sighted.
Our value system is getting diluted. We are drifting away from our principles at a rate higher than ever before. Why have we become so patient and so bloody immune? How can we get used to these ungodly treatment meted out to us so easily. We are proud to call ourselves as the people from the exotic land. Very soon it does gonna be a land of exotic garbage if something very soon is not done about it.
They say the man who chases two rabbits catches none but here we are trying to chases tens of rabbits together. We are not even western. We are torn between language, sentimentalities and religion. We are sabotaging all the values our forefathers gave to us. And everyone against us are making total use of these aspects.
We are torn between western and our own culture. In our country itself we are divided into northies and southies. In this we also are multilinguistics. And as if these differences are not enough we have communal riots also which have becoming fairly frequent in our lives. We have ample talent around us being unused but there is not enough talent to spot these talents. And who is to be blamed. Is it us or the people around us?
Iam sure in this way the meaning of democracy is going to be changed very soon. Our kids are gonna learn them as buy the people, far the people and off the people contrary to what we learnt!
You may be wondering whats the issue over here. the issue is am just concerned about my motherland my country getting ruined right under my eyes. A bunch of people who have a gun are able to bring the financial country to a grinding halt in no time. Its not gonna be very far where we have to think twice before letting ourselves or our kids out of our house. And I just don’t wanna be concerned I wanna do something about it. and the next question hits me like a boulder. What should I do? Will I be supported? Who are the people to support me?
Even today I swear I don’t know the educational qualification of our politicians. Today lot of youth who are interested in politics are shying away from their right of managing the country because of the ghastly picture portrayed by our current political scenario. People who have the heart to serve mankind are shying away because they don’t have nerves of steel to withstand the filth which is growing amuck in politics.
We don’t voice out our opinion. We are too busy making a worth of our life. Many of us think its not their job. They may very well be right but the trouble is all of us think the same.
Our politicians are happy selling our country away and laundering the money in their Swiss bank accounts. we are living in a world where every politician is only worried in how much money he is making per day. I guess if all the illegal properties of all the politicians is confiscated and given to a man, he ll be twice as rich as bill gates. Majority of politicians are just around us are convicted criminals. I don’t think the incident in Mumbai would have ever happened if only our political parties spared little time for worrying about the countries security. But no, all they want play a blame game and mud slinging till the eternity.
I don’t blame the police for the kind of image they have painted for themselves. They have become too immune to corruption. They have been sandwiched between situations where they have to obey someone who hasn’t even a graduate degree in his name. The ias officer work their way up by studying their ass off and all they get to do the rest of their life is to obey the orders of a money thirsty hypocrite.
What about those soldiers who are perennially and year after year under paid. What will be left of their dignity of labor when they are paid much less compared to their civilian counterparts? Just because they are not around to do a strike asking for a pay raise that doesn’t mean they should be sidelined forever.
Today whatever situation we are in, we are in it just because we let this situation come to us. We have become too short sighted.
Our value system is getting diluted. We are drifting away from our principles at a rate higher than ever before. Why have we become so patient and so bloody immune? How can we get used to these ungodly treatment meted out to us so easily. We are proud to call ourselves as the people from the exotic land. Very soon it does gonna be a land of exotic garbage if something very soon is not done about it.
They say the man who chases two rabbits catches none but here we are trying to chases tens of rabbits together. We are not even western. We are torn between language, sentimentalities and religion. We are sabotaging all the values our forefathers gave to us. And everyone against us are making total use of these aspects.
We are torn between western and our own culture. In our country itself we are divided into northies and southies. In this we also are multilinguistics. And as if these differences are not enough we have communal riots also which have becoming fairly frequent in our lives. We have ample talent around us being unused but there is not enough talent to spot these talents. And who is to be blamed. Is it us or the people around us?
Iam sure in this way the meaning of democracy is going to be changed very soon. Our kids are gonna learn them as buy the people, far the people and off the people contrary to what we learnt!
You may be wondering whats the issue over here. the issue is am just concerned about my motherland my country getting ruined right under my eyes. A bunch of people who have a gun are able to bring the financial country to a grinding halt in no time. Its not gonna be very far where we have to think twice before letting ourselves or our kids out of our house. And I just don’t wanna be concerned I wanna do something about it. and the next question hits me like a boulder. What should I do? Will I be supported? Who are the people to support me?
Even today I swear I don’t know the educational qualification of our politicians. Today lot of youth who are interested in politics are shying away from their right of managing the country because of the ghastly picture portrayed by our current political scenario. People who have the heart to serve mankind are shying away because they don’t have nerves of steel to withstand the filth which is growing amuck in politics.
We don’t voice out our opinion. We are too busy making a worth of our life. Many of us think its not their job. They may very well be right but the trouble is all of us think the same.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The faint music of Cher goes on in the background. The track Believe.. Cher goes on.. Do you believe in love after love.. Do you belive in life after love.. ! His mind is disturbed suddenly. Not for the first time though. He knows this feeling so well by now, one of a deep hollow. A void. An irrepairable loss.
When he split with his significant other, the albatross around his neck was hung!
His eyes close, though not forcing to recollect the images and words, the scenes from a distant memory come back in a flash.
Months have passed since then, but it just seems like yesterday. He recollects with great fondness the playful times of the past, the-lack-of-responsibility-cool-head that he had, the cheerfulness every single morning, the lack of Monday morning blues, the patience and the help-everybody attitude, and most importantly, the sense of accomplishment, the feeling of having won something priceless, that used to cloud his personality those memorable days...
And the ever-smiling happy face that he has today, only to mask his deep void within, that has so much become a part and parcel of his life ever since...
Many a tear bag in the eye has dried up, many a vein has been dissected, but all in vain!
He needs something as drastic as the Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind to be inflicted upon him.
He understands that if you really want to attach yourself, attach yourself to your goals, not people or things. Only his head understands logic. Not his heart.
He wants to put up a statutory warning like the one on cigarette packs, for the ones who are living his past, and are most likely to live his present too, sometime in their future.
As these flashes of form a lump in his throat, he opens his eyes. But The Memory Remains.
This blog is a reproduction of one of my friend's blog. I could not have matched the impeccabality with which he has captured his feelings in words. I didnt have the words but the feelings were true to the core.
When he split with his significant other, the albatross around his neck was hung!
His eyes close, though not forcing to recollect the images and words, the scenes from a distant memory come back in a flash.
Months have passed since then, but it just seems like yesterday. He recollects with great fondness the playful times of the past, the-lack-of-responsibility-cool-head that he had, the cheerfulness every single morning, the lack of Monday morning blues, the patience and the help-everybody attitude, and most importantly, the sense of accomplishment, the feeling of having won something priceless, that used to cloud his personality those memorable days...
And the ever-smiling happy face that he has today, only to mask his deep void within, that has so much become a part and parcel of his life ever since...
Many a tear bag in the eye has dried up, many a vein has been dissected, but all in vain!
He needs something as drastic as the Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind to be inflicted upon him.
He understands that if you really want to attach yourself, attach yourself to your goals, not people or things. Only his head understands logic. Not his heart.
He wants to put up a statutory warning like the one on cigarette packs, for the ones who are living his past, and are most likely to live his present too, sometime in their future.
As these flashes of form a lump in his throat, he opens his eyes. But The Memory Remains.
This blog is a reproduction of one of my friend's blog. I could not have matched the impeccabality with which he has captured his feelings in words. I didnt have the words but the feelings were true to the core.
Friday, November 7, 2008
This is how I fell…
I am writing this blog to give people the first hand information about how I fell from the train. Sorry, I am not here trying to glorify my accident or trying to attract undue attention. I am rather sick of giving details about how I fell and how did I feel. So with this blog I am just trying to simplify my job.
Its very detailed and intricately written story so read it when you have all the time in the world.
The man who inspired me to write this blog is my room mate SAMEER (you are great myaan).
The date was 6th of August, 2007. I was coming back from hubli to chickamagalur. I am not so much of a traveler by train. I usually prefer bus to travel any place how much ever far that place might be. But I decided to take a train to go back home, the reason which I have not uncovered yet. I boarded the inter city train at hubli station at 6.30 in the morning. I had one large kit bag and sholder bag. I was wearing a Levis jeans which I had bought just the day before, a t shirt, pullover and a thick jerkin and a shoe (you may be wondering why details about my overalls, you will know don’t worry just read on). I selected a bogie in the mid section of the train and I took a seat in the compartment which was right next to the door. As it was a Monday there was not much crowd in the train.
I bought my ticket till birur. Birur is a junction where I had to get down and take a bus to chikamagalur as does not have railroad connectivity. I didn’t eat much on the train also. I thought anyway I am going to go home. Let me have a proper mom made lunch at home itself (I didn’t know then that it will be another two weeks for me to go home).
I started reading a book. I was getting call now and then and I was chatting with one of my friend through the sms. As I told you that I am not the one who travels much by train I didn’t have an idea what time will the train reach the birur station. My stomach was hungry and while reading I dozed off.
I woke up from my sleep and looked around. The train had stopped in a station. I checked my watch, it was 10.15. I don’t know why but I didn’t bother to trouble myself to check which station it was. I convinced myself that birur cannot be reached this fast. The train started. I was still looking out of the window sleepily and the train started moving slowly. As the train moved I saw the boards showing the name of the station appearing.
To my utter shock the name plate bore the the name BIRUR. I cursed myself for being such a stupid. My mind started to race. My immediate reflex was to stand up.My mind was trying to come out with a logical decision. . My mind was still under the spell of sleep goddess. But my body proved faster than that. It already seemed to have taken a decision. Out of practice as if entire body has become involuntary, my hands reached for the bags kept on the top rack. The book was shoved in to side pocket of the bag. My body moved and my mind was still thinking. In no time I was standing at the door. I could feel the train swaying, picking up pace. With every passing millisecond my mind was forced to come with a decision but it hadn’t booted up yet. My entire body was shouting,” you need to get down, you need to get down”. And I jumped and that very moment all hell broke loose.
In a split second so many things happened. There was a lot of commotion around me. I thought that I felt the platform of the station next my mind registered was that I was being dragged by some force(probably the inertial force). I was still clutching the bag tightly and somewhere in the midst of all those movements I had let go of it. Next when I opened my eyes there was bigger shock awaiting me. I could see the under belly of the moving train.
The very moment I opened my eyes my brain came into action (it realised my body had done a blunder). I could hear the rattling of the train wheels moving close to my ears. To my right seemed to be a concrete wall. I understood where I was, in the fucking gap between the train and the platform and it was just about enough to house me. I asked three questions to myself.
1) Am I dead. The answer was negative.
2) Is anything under pain (my brain meant, was there any part of my body dismantled?)
The answer was no.
3) Should I move?
I held my body tight, concentrating on not moving even a millimeter. I thought to myself is this really happening? or is it just bad dream I am having while sleeping in the train. I told myself let the train pass. Once it is gone I can get up.
In the meantime, someone on the train or someone standing on the platform might have seen a boy with a bag on his shoulder going under the train trying to detrain. They got the train stopped. The train came to a halt while I was still under it. Once the train came to complete halt I mustered all the energy left in me and got up but I wanted to put body onto the platform but my legs gave away. I could hear hurried foot steps and shouts of people coming towards me. I just gave them my hands and they pulled me up and laid me flat on my back on the platform.
There were about 50 people I believe. Half of them were shouting at me for jumping outta of the moving train and the other half shouting at them, the rest half for pestering me. They asked me whether I could sit. I told I can’t. I told them I need to see the doctor. By then the stretcher was brought. I was put on that and taken to the nearest hospital. Once I was in the hospital I called my mom and asked them to come over and as they say the rest is history.
And about my overalls, I was fully covered from neck to toe. And because of layers of clothing the bodily scratches and injuries was reduced to minimum.
Some people may be inquisitive about what happened to my luggage. I got them back, thank you. My kit was torn underside as I had dragged it on the platform surface.
You may think it as very foolish. You may ask me could I not have got down in the next station or had pulled the chain in train to stop instead of jumping outta of the train or why was I so lazy that I didn’t go to check what time will the train reach birur. I know, buddy that’s why it is called an accident isn’t it??
I thank the almighty for letting me live so that I could narrate this story and I thank my parents for having taken care of me for over three months after the accident like they did when I was a toddler. I can never forgive myself for the agony they had to go through. I am just happy to have a second chance to live my life again.
Its very detailed and intricately written story so read it when you have all the time in the world.
The man who inspired me to write this blog is my room mate SAMEER (you are great myaan).
The date was 6th of August, 2007. I was coming back from hubli to chickamagalur. I am not so much of a traveler by train. I usually prefer bus to travel any place how much ever far that place might be. But I decided to take a train to go back home, the reason which I have not uncovered yet. I boarded the inter city train at hubli station at 6.30 in the morning. I had one large kit bag and sholder bag. I was wearing a Levis jeans which I had bought just the day before, a t shirt, pullover and a thick jerkin and a shoe (you may be wondering why details about my overalls, you will know don’t worry just read on). I selected a bogie in the mid section of the train and I took a seat in the compartment which was right next to the door. As it was a Monday there was not much crowd in the train.
I bought my ticket till birur. Birur is a junction where I had to get down and take a bus to chikamagalur as does not have railroad connectivity. I didn’t eat much on the train also. I thought anyway I am going to go home. Let me have a proper mom made lunch at home itself (I didn’t know then that it will be another two weeks for me to go home).
I started reading a book. I was getting call now and then and I was chatting with one of my friend through the sms. As I told you that I am not the one who travels much by train I didn’t have an idea what time will the train reach the birur station. My stomach was hungry and while reading I dozed off.
I woke up from my sleep and looked around. The train had stopped in a station. I checked my watch, it was 10.15. I don’t know why but I didn’t bother to trouble myself to check which station it was. I convinced myself that birur cannot be reached this fast. The train started. I was still looking out of the window sleepily and the train started moving slowly. As the train moved I saw the boards showing the name of the station appearing.
To my utter shock the name plate bore the the name BIRUR. I cursed myself for being such a stupid. My mind started to race. My immediate reflex was to stand up.My mind was trying to come out with a logical decision. . My mind was still under the spell of sleep goddess. But my body proved faster than that. It already seemed to have taken a decision. Out of practice as if entire body has become involuntary, my hands reached for the bags kept on the top rack. The book was shoved in to side pocket of the bag. My body moved and my mind was still thinking. In no time I was standing at the door. I could feel the train swaying, picking up pace. With every passing millisecond my mind was forced to come with a decision but it hadn’t booted up yet. My entire body was shouting,” you need to get down, you need to get down”. And I jumped and that very moment all hell broke loose.
In a split second so many things happened. There was a lot of commotion around me. I thought that I felt the platform of the station next my mind registered was that I was being dragged by some force(probably the inertial force). I was still clutching the bag tightly and somewhere in the midst of all those movements I had let go of it. Next when I opened my eyes there was bigger shock awaiting me. I could see the under belly of the moving train.
The very moment I opened my eyes my brain came into action (it realised my body had done a blunder). I could hear the rattling of the train wheels moving close to my ears. To my right seemed to be a concrete wall. I understood where I was, in the fucking gap between the train and the platform and it was just about enough to house me. I asked three questions to myself.
1) Am I dead. The answer was negative.
2) Is anything under pain (my brain meant, was there any part of my body dismantled?)
The answer was no.
3) Should I move?
I held my body tight, concentrating on not moving even a millimeter. I thought to myself is this really happening? or is it just bad dream I am having while sleeping in the train. I told myself let the train pass. Once it is gone I can get up.
In the meantime, someone on the train or someone standing on the platform might have seen a boy with a bag on his shoulder going under the train trying to detrain. They got the train stopped. The train came to a halt while I was still under it. Once the train came to complete halt I mustered all the energy left in me and got up but I wanted to put body onto the platform but my legs gave away. I could hear hurried foot steps and shouts of people coming towards me. I just gave them my hands and they pulled me up and laid me flat on my back on the platform.
There were about 50 people I believe. Half of them were shouting at me for jumping outta of the moving train and the other half shouting at them, the rest half for pestering me. They asked me whether I could sit. I told I can’t. I told them I need to see the doctor. By then the stretcher was brought. I was put on that and taken to the nearest hospital. Once I was in the hospital I called my mom and asked them to come over and as they say the rest is history.
And about my overalls, I was fully covered from neck to toe. And because of layers of clothing the bodily scratches and injuries was reduced to minimum.
Some people may be inquisitive about what happened to my luggage. I got them back, thank you. My kit was torn underside as I had dragged it on the platform surface.
You may think it as very foolish. You may ask me could I not have got down in the next station or had pulled the chain in train to stop instead of jumping outta of the train or why was I so lazy that I didn’t go to check what time will the train reach birur. I know, buddy that’s why it is called an accident isn’t it??
I thank the almighty for letting me live so that I could narrate this story and I thank my parents for having taken care of me for over three months after the accident like they did when I was a toddler. I can never forgive myself for the agony they had to go through. I am just happy to have a second chance to live my life again.
Monday, November 3, 2008
No pain is bigger than this one.
The biggest pain one can suffer is not when you meet with a life taking accident but it is when a person who you feel has understood you the best fails to understand you when you need them to understand you the most. But yes if understanding is painful and if my friend is HAPPY avoiding me, then i would never wanna be understood.
Rendezvous with Lawrence pinto
“Physics is my religion”. This is a line which many of us wouldn’t have heard of. But this line defines this person and his personality who iam talking about. I was at home for the festival and I don’t know why but my instincts made me come back to mysore by Thursday itself even though I didn’t have classes until next Monday . But it was all clear to me when my cell phone received a message from Lawrence sir that he was in mysore . I called him right away and made an appointment with him.
It was almost a year since I met him last at his residence in mangalore. He himself gave me a call and asked me to meet him in his hotel room. Over the last three years his visits have been fairly frequent, once in a year at the least. It can never happen that he is in mysore and I don’t know of it. He greeted me with his disarming smile. We sat on the sofa in the porch of his hotel room. After all the usual exchange of niceties we would just sit down to talk about all random things going around in the world. Great thing about him is that when you are with him he ll give you all the freedom in the world to talk, anything under this sun and even beyond. We would talk about Indian economy, he would advice me about the job sectors, we would talk about making India a superpower, he would tell me about few of his students. He would tell me how fulfilling it is to be teacher, to be with the young minds all the time, the young minds being the pulse to of the society, whom you can guide to a better future. We would talk about the new things in mangalore and about mundane activities of life. The reason, why chatting with him is so fulfilling is because he listens with his heart not just his ears.
He helped me to get outta a lotta dilemmas, to choose the best of the available options. For me especially at this point of time he was god sent.
During his class I was transported into my past 4 years back. I wondered that the four years which have passed in the meanwhile had no impact on this person standing in front of the class but have only improved him exponentially.
He can phrase so complex of a situations in so simple a ways. He is one of those ppl who have taught me to learn, to teach, to listen, to talk, to laugh, to contemplate, to THINK.
We went back to his hotel room after the class. I even met John Sherra sir. It was totally unexpected. He doesn’t seem to have changed a bit. A soft spoken, ever smiling math prof whom we had in first pu.
I dropped him to one more class in the evening. Was supposed to meet him later that evening but couldn’t as he told me there wasn’t any need. There are very few ppl on this earth with whom you can sit and talk your heart out and be sure of getting a good advice. For me one of them is Lawrence sir. I thank the almighty for it.
May be there are things which are predestined, the one like this rendezvous with
Sunday, October 26, 2008
A policeman’s wish on the eve of deepavali
It happened two days before deepavali. It was 8’o clock in the evening. I was in a gym to get my bmi checked. The front desk executive was busy with another appointment (he was talking to one of our college faculty who was getting enrolled for weight loss program). Sitting next to me I the lounge was a traffic police. I don’t know for what reason but I just felt like that I should talk to him. I gave a smile and asked how festival preparation is going on. The reply what I got was not the usual one. Like everyone would say,” not so grand and all. Just a usual festival celebration”.
He said,” We can have a peaceful festival if only the people around us be careful and obey the traffic rules”. I was surprised to hear such a reply. He continued,” how heart breaking it is to hear about some accidents caused because of the impatience of the drivers when we are celebrating festival with our family. Today people cannot even wait for meager 120 sec on the traffic signal. When they are caught evading a red signal they say they are too busy with some urgent work and they could not wait for so long for the signal to turn green. What they don’t realize is the agony which they have to go through if something unfortunate happens. Not just them but their entire family suffers because of a wrong judgment. Same goes with these teenagers for who evading traffic rules is a show of guts”. He went on to tell me about two boys who rode and had banged car earlier that day,” what festival will it be for their parents who would have bought the bike for their sons comfort but ended up crippling them. And it is such a bad fate of ours that we have to see all these things through our naked eyes. That’s why I told if only people behave a little more responsibly; it will be a great deepavali for us too”.
Many of us feel that police are so harsh and rude. I guess they are made like that because of the things that they see or have to go through.
After listening to all this I rode back home at a safe 40 km/hour.
He said,” We can have a peaceful festival if only the people around us be careful and obey the traffic rules”. I was surprised to hear such a reply. He continued,” how heart breaking it is to hear about some accidents caused because of the impatience of the drivers when we are celebrating festival with our family. Today people cannot even wait for meager 120 sec on the traffic signal. When they are caught evading a red signal they say they are too busy with some urgent work and they could not wait for so long for the signal to turn green. What they don’t realize is the agony which they have to go through if something unfortunate happens. Not just them but their entire family suffers because of a wrong judgment. Same goes with these teenagers for who evading traffic rules is a show of guts”. He went on to tell me about two boys who rode and had banged car earlier that day,” what festival will it be for their parents who would have bought the bike for their sons comfort but ended up crippling them. And it is such a bad fate of ours that we have to see all these things through our naked eyes. That’s why I told if only people behave a little more responsibly; it will be a great deepavali for us too”.
Many of us feel that police are so harsh and rude. I guess they are made like that because of the things that they see or have to go through.
After listening to all this I rode back home at a safe 40 km/hour.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
ಮೈಸೂರು ದಸರಾ ಎಷ್ಟೊಂದು ಸುಂದರ......
Ten days of grandeur. These ten days the
People from all different walks of life from all across the country come to witness this ten days of eye catching celebration. It brings about all the relatives spread apart together at his season of this year.
One can see DD urs road, 100 feet road, suburb bus stand road, Irwin road and all the major roads drenched in the golden yellow lights given out by the serial lightings. These lightings looks as though an enormous roof whose ceiling is full of lights. No one can miss the makeover and the repair work happening on almost curb and the pavements around the city centre. There is so much happening around in these ten days, one will definitely feel a need of a time teaser(for novice who don’t know what it is, it’s an abstract hypothetical electronic machine which can freeze time at ones will and wish)
You wont just find a family but can spot an entire family tree from the grand parents to their grand children, kith and kin.
It’s a saga which comes year after year with its news spreading far and wider than the previous year.
I cannot recall any other instance where I have spotted so many people in one place.
The one word which comes to your mind when you hear dasara is GRAND.
You can see parents having lifted their restrictions on their expenditure and buying theirs kids everything their little fingers and greedy innocent eyes point at. The men become the king of the family proudly making way and guarding the family at his back. Women showing off their their new collection of jewellery and best of the sarees in their collection and at the same time keeping a close watch on her kids. Boys trying to spot the most pretty girl I the crowd to comment on. The girls apparently looking bugged, irritated by th piercing glances of the bystanders and enjoying the company of their entourage.
One can see almost every traffic rule evaded. Especially the rule: a two wheeler should carry only two passengers. During dasara there will be minimum three. I spotted a family of four on a splendor piercing its way through the traffic.
I guess its during dasara the police and the NCC gets exercised the most, more the rest of the year put together. A local mysorian can see barricades and road dividers to have appeared from nowhere.
I thank those police and the NCC cadets for the arduous task they carry out.
Iam sure almost every hotelier and businessmen in the city everyday will smile his way to the bank. Reason- swelled up pockets.
The entire city lives as though it lived the rest of the year just to witness these ten days.
Life at 100Kmph
The battery was gone. I had to kick start the engine. The engine came to life. Raised the throttle. Engine revving the gun silencer of the bike made an enormous hissing sound. Sound made the kids around me move away from their game of cricket on the road and fix their eyes on the beast with two wheels.
In a very thoughtful movement my left leg pushed the gear lever down and in that moment my body was armed with a power of 225cc engine. Even though the bike was two year old, the bike showed off remarkable robustness. With all the skill mastered by years of riding experience, I released the clutch simultaneously increasing the throttle. The bike galloped for about 2 meters and involuntarily my left foot made an upward move. With a split second precision the clutch engaged, throttle lowered, gear shifted, clutch released, throttle raised. And as if there was no time to waste, as soon as the needle pointed 6x1000 rpm the gear shifted. The bike transformed itself to a lightning bolt hissing all its way. In less than 6 seconds the bike was zooming at 80kmph. Soon as I reached the straight stretch of road right in front of my college the bike was ripping at 100kmph. At this speed all the convulsions, confusions in the mind seemed to vanish. The mind became pellucid as if it never were, as though I was born few seconds before. There is no room for dilemma in the mind.
Monday, August 11, 2008
the first day of the college....
Had given my bike for servicing. Tilak dropped me to the college. It was a very uneasy and a unpleasant feeling. My mind had so many thoughts but the space inside my head seemed to be void. This was the first time that I walked into the college through the main entrance. It had always been attending the college from the hostel end.
I walked through the college, not particularly looking at anyone or anything. Mind was blank, didn’t wanted to think about anything. Came to the block where my class was supposed to be in the second floor. Memories of my second year came flooding back. It was a nostalgia when I was climbing the stairs step by step. The memories seemed to be so fresh and alive that for a moment I forgot that I am back in the college after a year. When the last turn up to the second floor came I stopped, heart started beating a little faster. I sighed. Drew a deep breath in and climbed on. Once on the second floor there is crowd outside the classroom. For a moment my mind just wondered “ am I out of tune or are they from some other planet”. The reviews I had heard about this section were proved within no time. I walked on. I could recognize few faces which were from the hostel, juniors then. Some of them who recognized me raised their eyebrows and hands in a gesture to greet me. entrepreneurship and management was the subject for that period but it was swapped with some other subject of the next sem. I was disappointed.
No lecs had come to the class so we started walking out when the lec from the neighbouring class came and yelled at the mob for the nuisance being created. When we were a floor down someone called telling some other lec has come. I walked in and to my surprise it was shilpa madam(we had been for her tuitions in the 4th sem for the same subject) standing there waiting for the ppl to file in. looking at me she gavea wink and a smile of recognition. My hands involuntarily made a welcoming gesture. I was delighted to find someone in the class who knew me, even if it was a lecturer. I got my name entered into the attendance register and remembered that I have to repeat this act for five more classes. Sat, settled down. Heart beating faster and my mind racing and the class started…..
I walked through the college, not particularly looking at anyone or anything. Mind was blank, didn’t wanted to think about anything. Came to the block where my class was supposed to be in the second floor. Memories of my second year came flooding back. It was a nostalgia when I was climbing the stairs step by step. The memories seemed to be so fresh and alive that for a moment I forgot that I am back in the college after a year. When the last turn up to the second floor came I stopped, heart started beating a little faster. I sighed. Drew a deep breath in and climbed on. Once on the second floor there is crowd outside the classroom. For a moment my mind just wondered “ am I out of tune or are they from some other planet”. The reviews I had heard about this section were proved within no time. I walked on. I could recognize few faces which were from the hostel, juniors then. Some of them who recognized me raised their eyebrows and hands in a gesture to greet me. entrepreneurship and management was the subject for that period but it was swapped with some other subject of the next sem. I was disappointed.
No lecs had come to the class so we started walking out when the lec from the neighbouring class came and yelled at the mob for the nuisance being created. When we were a floor down someone called telling some other lec has come. I walked in and to my surprise it was shilpa madam(we had been for her tuitions in the 4th sem for the same subject) standing there waiting for the ppl to file in. looking at me she gavea wink and a smile of recognition. My hands involuntarily made a welcoming gesture. I was delighted to find someone in the class who knew me, even if it was a lecturer. I got my name entered into the attendance register and remembered that I have to repeat this act for five more classes. Sat, settled down. Heart beating faster and my mind racing and the class started…..
Saturday, August 9, 2008
An year of perigrination comes to an end!!!
7th of august will be a red letter day for all the life to come. This was the day I saw death and re-birth in a proximity which I find it hard even today to digest. I survived a fatal train accident- an incident which changed the entire direction of my life. This day marked the onset of all the awesome and the awful experiences iam going to have from then on.
-first time in my life I had fracture.
-first time in my life I was admitted in a hospital
-first time x-ray
-first time scanning
-first time catheter.
-first time ambulance ride
-first time all my relatives called on my house at once.
-first time had to keep myself outta of the college for a year.
-first time stayed in bed for more than two and a half months which was more like a bed arrest than bed rest.
These are few of those “first times”. During those times on bed I learnt a lot of lessons. Biggest of all- understood the value of life. As they say, one will never know the value of a things unless its in peril. To understand yourself is a whole science in itself.
The bravado in which my parents took all these sudden twists and jerks of time is something which startled me. the composure and the level headedness they showed was on of the biggest gallant act I have ever come across to be performed, at least for me.
The ghastly experience of being in the verge of getting ”chatnified” under the train doesn’t look any less of a movie story. I went through it.
By the end of November I was all set to go out. With a lotta reluctance my parents let me go. I guess then on I hardly stayed at home. From then on Bangalore became my refuge. I stayed at Bharathji's place. If it was not for his house I would have been a wanderer in the city of Bangalore. you would have heard ppl saying a friend in need is a friend in deed. I haven’t simply heard it but have experienced it at its best from all the ppl around me.
Few dates that have been saved in my memory.
Nov 28th royal orchid night out.
Dec 30th banglore meeting given by me.
Jan 11th rolling out prashanthji's skoda
Jan 12th and 13th, conference at ooty.
Jan 27th bijapur seminar while I was in coimbatore.
Feb 2nd and 3rd gaurav jis wedding in delhi.
Mar 16th convention in mangalore tma pai audi
Apr 21st rolling out nagesh jis Innova
May 20th coorg adventure trip
July 29th july, diplomats and above in taj west end.
These are few dates which have been etched in my memory. In the meantime I had gone to lot many other places, notable once are-erode,coimbatore, calicut, pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, deadly places. All these experiences of different places and meeting different people taught me the most priceless and invaluable lessons of my life. Life is so picturesque when led king size.
Life has offered us so much but we enjoy so little. Afraid at the way the society will look at us. The highest quality of life is in living it in extremes, taking risk and learning from mistakes.
Everyone under this gracious sun tries to amount to something all his life. This one year taught me the tact of survival on the streets in the best ways possible ever. Now let me get on and do something for I have been given a second chance.
-first time in my life I had fracture.
-first time in my life I was admitted in a hospital
-first time x-ray
-first time scanning
-first time catheter.
-first time ambulance ride
-first time all my relatives called on my house at once.
-first time had to keep myself outta of the college for a year.
-first time stayed in bed for more than two and a half months which was more like a bed arrest than bed rest.
These are few of those “first times”. During those times on bed I learnt a lot of lessons. Biggest of all- understood the value of life. As they say, one will never know the value of a things unless its in peril. To understand yourself is a whole science in itself.
The bravado in which my parents took all these sudden twists and jerks of time is something which startled me. the composure and the level headedness they showed was on of the biggest gallant act I have ever come across to be performed, at least for me.
The ghastly experience of being in the verge of getting ”chatnified” under the train doesn’t look any less of a movie story. I went through it.
By the end of November I was all set to go out. With a lotta reluctance my parents let me go. I guess then on I hardly stayed at home. From then on Bangalore became my refuge. I stayed at Bharathji's place. If it was not for his house I would have been a wanderer in the city of Bangalore. you would have heard ppl saying a friend in need is a friend in deed. I haven’t simply heard it but have experienced it at its best from all the ppl around me.
Few dates that have been saved in my memory.
Nov 28th royal orchid night out.
Dec 30th banglore meeting given by me.
Jan 11th rolling out prashanthji's skoda
Jan 12th and 13th, conference at ooty.
Jan 27th bijapur seminar while I was in coimbatore.
Feb 2nd and 3rd gaurav jis wedding in delhi.
Mar 16th convention in mangalore tma pai audi
Apr 21st rolling out nagesh jis Innova
May 20th coorg adventure trip
July 29th july, diplomats and above in taj west end.
These are few dates which have been etched in my memory. In the meantime I had gone to lot many other places, notable once are-erode,coimbatore, calicut, pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, deadly places. All these experiences of different places and meeting different people taught me the most priceless and invaluable lessons of my life. Life is so picturesque when led king size.
Life has offered us so much but we enjoy so little. Afraid at the way the society will look at us. The highest quality of life is in living it in extremes, taking risk and learning from mistakes.
Everyone under this gracious sun tries to amount to something all his life. This one year taught me the tact of survival on the streets in the best ways possible ever. Now let me get on and do something for I have been given a second chance.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Fondly called JC all over, this place is a culmination of so many kinds of junta that one’s head can go really swingin. The place which has carved a niche in my life. I may not be in a state to attribute anything particular to this place but whatever I am today somehow makes a connection to this place. This coll which is majorly responsible for us to open our minds wide open to a plethora of knowledge and non sense. The very reason I can state that this coll as one among the best- students don’t mess with the lecs and the lecs don’t mess. Both mind their own business( which never seem to overlap.
The place with lush green lawn all over. Sprawling villas like college buildings, nice roads to learn driving, and the very own adda like hostel. Then there is this lord ganesha s temple who main duty in here is to see to it that all the engineering junta here gets average and who can forget the famous hockey and the football grounds where once in a while the sport they built for are played. And who can forget those office staff who behave as if the entire college runs under their discretion. and who can forget those group 4 who are even more. They seem to own the college itself. All in all- my college.
The place with lush green lawn all over. Sprawling villas like college buildings, nice roads to learn driving, and the very own adda like hostel. Then there is this lord ganesha s temple who main duty in here is to see to it that all the engineering junta here gets average and who can forget the famous hockey and the football grounds where once in a while the sport they built for are played. And who can forget those office staff who behave as if the entire college runs under their discretion. and who can forget those group 4 who are even more. They seem to own the college itself. All in all- my college.
This is the second time I have come to this fabulous city. A city of past glory still alive and ticking. All along I could see a lot of old structures intact which remind of the grandeur and splendor of the place it was once in the history. It’s a place with people lot friendly and open to new things. 
The best things in here are the roads and the flyovers. One will go mad just counting the flyovers itself. I guess Hyderabad has an upper hand when it comes to answering traffic bottle neck vows compared to Bangalore. but as they say no master plan is fool proof. The ppl hear hardly seemed to have any driving sense. So being from Bangalore I had a point to say that “we are even now”.
My ears were delighted to hear a lot of pure urdu. Ppl who know me, know well that my recent passion is to learn urdu. what a pure and sparkling urdu man. But then I have not had a chance to have the world famous hyderabadi biryani or the charminar. I know it sounds stupid I am talking about Hyderabad but I have not visited charminar. the only reason is that I have to build a good enough org here and then I will go visiting these places with my silvers( for all the ppl who are wondering as to who do I mean by silvers can ask for a presentation about ebiz. Iam sure one will know at the end of it at least).
I have got to know of a lot of areas in here. Lakdikapul, nampally, panjagutta, banjara hills, erragadda, ameerpet, kukatpall, koti. These are one of the most weirdest names I have heard for the names of localities or areas here.
And what do I say about my language learning drive. Its in a full swing. I have even started talking myself with telugu nowadays. Frankly telling it’s a beautiful. I have heard its called Italian of the east. I don’t know to what extent its true but I have every reason to believe. It sounds really soothing. And there is this hitech city. And the HICC which I visited last time. I could to believe my eyes and ears when I saw and heard about this marvelous structure. Now that's civil engineering. I was really awestruck by the state of the art facility present in there and having heard all what it has housed and can be done there I got to know why would it cost a fortune to some event there.

The best things in here are the roads and the flyovers. One will go mad just counting the flyovers itself. I guess Hyderabad has an upper hand when it comes to answering traffic bottle neck vows compared to Bangalore. but as they say no master plan is fool proof. The ppl hear hardly seemed to have any driving sense. So being from Bangalore I had a point to say that “we are even now”.
My ears were delighted to hear a lot of pure urdu. Ppl who know me, know well that my recent passion is to learn urdu. what a pure and sparkling urdu man. But then I have not had a chance to have the world famous hyderabadi biryani or the charminar. I know it sounds stupid I am talking about Hyderabad but I have not visited charminar. the only reason is that I have to build a good enough org here and then I will go visiting these places with my silvers( for all the ppl who are wondering as to who do I mean by silvers can ask for a presentation about ebiz. Iam sure one will know at the end of it at least).
I have got to know of a lot of areas in here. Lakdikapul, nampally, panjagutta, banjara hills, erragadda, ameerpet, kukatpall, koti. These are one of the most weirdest names I have heard for the names of localities or areas here.
And what do I say about my language learning drive. Its in a full swing. I have even started talking myself with telugu nowadays. Frankly telling it’s a beautiful. I have heard its called Italian of the east. I don’t know to what extent its true but I have every reason to believe. It sounds really soothing. And there is this hitech city. And the HICC which I visited last time. I could to believe my eyes and ears when I saw and heard about this marvelous structure. Now that's civil engineering. I was really awestruck by the state of the art facility present in there and having heard all what it has housed and can be done there I got to know why would it cost a fortune to some event there.
Placements hangama>>
Iam out of the college for a year now. But my batchmates are into placements now. I have developed this who cares attitude towards placements a lot. May be I am not in the epicenter of it or may be I don’t really care. I am really surprised at the thought or foolishness of so many ppl who are throwing their life on something like a 3.5 lac pa package. Look, iam not here to demean anyones way of thinking but it sounds ridiculour when someone who can do really big things is settling for something so small. Its not about the package but whatever happened to coming up in life with struggle and making an adventurous living. Man I know it sounds stupid but that’s what I believe. One can do more than just what he thinks.
Right place at the right time...
I truly believe that the almighty has always taken decision on my behalf when I couldn’t get to one. i took my pu in mangalore. That was one of the best decision I did in my life. That’s where my life took off. Then I joined experts. In which again the choice of the best batch was made in the form of al amen. Then I joined KAI. This again was totally unexpected but then desired badly. Then when it came to choose the coll for engineering again I was in mess. In a very drastic and a painful turn of events I took my seat in SJCE. I didn’t really know why did I take up that college on the earth leaving all the other colleges in Bangalore. Emotionally I was shattered as I was not interested in doing anything so my main purpose in life became to keep myself busy. Almost after a year I realized the purpose. I had joined ebiz and I could see myself growing in it. And all my life it had been a fantasy of mine to get a fracture, I wanted to know how does one feel when his bone gets crack. I know it sounds too weird but I didn’t know why such a crazy thought was there in my mind but it did. So I met with this accident which kept me out of the college for one year. All in all I have always got what I wished for in life.
Now when I lookback at my life in the last two years its been a great learning curve. Teaching me a lot things about life. And reminding me that I have got to do more.
Now when I lookback at my life in the last two years its been a great learning curve. Teaching me a lot things about life. And reminding me that I have got to do more.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
i salute god....
i had been to one place near athani which is in belgaum district. the situations in which the people lived around was something unimaginable until you see it. you cannot fathom the amount of worth one has over here for a ten rupee note. and it has been more than two years that i have forgotten the value of a 100 rupee note. i just dont really know what to say or what to think. many a times i feel why are they like that arent they the sons of the same god what we are born to. and one line strikes my brain- every one is born to win, but many conditioned to lose. now i know why do they say this. then i think what is that i can do for these people and when i come up with some solution, the magnanimity of it hits me like a boulder. but inch by inch little by little things can be changed or thats the only way to change things. you cannot do some hocus pocus and presto!! its only in the awareness that what is ones ability is realised. i just thank the almighty for the luxury and comfort he has kept me in. in my life he has been all benevolent to give me all what i have asked for.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
come back
COME BACK!!!! yes, have come back to blog after one and a half year after i had signed. so why did i come back? in the last one and a half year i had so many adventurous, beautiful , hilarious, and all the adjectives possible kinda of experiences and like a fool i didnt document it. such a waste. so no more going with the same mistake here iam to blog again with the decision not to quit.
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